Oh yea! Here I go!

Hey Guys! Optimus here with a new post! I started this blog today! But I also want to tell you about what happend in the last 2 days! So, friday I got to Bucharest to see my new apartment and my new school! The apartment is a little small, but I think I say this because I live in a Huge House right now! So, my school is also cool! I don't have to wear uniform this year! Pretty cool! Also I'll have like 2 classes of english per day because I got in a special class for American English :). I'm also excited because I'm moving to one of the world's greatest capitals! I also saw many chinesse people in Bucharest and many Germans, but that not a problem! I love to see other nations living in my country! But this moving has also its bad parts, one of them is that I'm loosing my girlfriend :( and also many friends and buddies! But I still have you guys!(as friends)
So, that was all I wanted to say in this post! Cya guys

Posted from: Câmpina, Romania


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